Face Yoga

What is Face Yoga?

Face Yoga is a completely natural way to help you feel your best, think of me as a personal trainer for your face.

We often get the body moving, either in the gym or at home, but we completely forget about the muscles in our faces, feeling disconnected with the confidence we may have on the inside not showing through for ourselves when we look in the mirror.

We hold far too much tension in our face and posture, due to past traumas or bad habits which manifests itself into the misalignment we endure. You may notice, more tension in the shoulders, poor posture, droopy eyes or cheeks, maybe one eyebrow higher than the other, more wrinkles on one side of the face or even tension in the jaw.

It doesn't need to be that way, you can help get the muscles moving, tone the face and realign.


As a Bride, you want to look your best on your wedding day, more awake, youthful and happy, I'm here to help you look your best.

"A less stressed, beautiful smiling bride? Absolutely! Where do I sign up?"

Email me today to find out how I can help you, we'll bring in a practice to make the most out of the weeks ahead before your big day!

I would recommend to book me a minimum of 3 months prior to your wedding day.


Working with computers and/or stressful working environments can really take its toll on the facial muscles and posture, tension headaches, aches and strains. A few moments out of your day can help alleviate your symptoms which in turn helps you tackle the work ahead.

Book me for your wellness day or call it Wellness Wednesday! Face Yoga Friday? Bring me in for a session with your employees for some selfcare.

Want to book me for your upcoming wedding or cooperate event?